Seculars in Switzerland

Seculars in Switzerland: A mixed-methods project

The phenomenon of the "seculars" is one of the most sensational phenomena of the last decade, both worldwide and in Switzerland. This can be seen in the success of bestsellers which criticise religion (Dawkins 2006; Hitchens 2007), the public actions of organised critics of religion, and the rapid increase in the number of people who describe themselves as non-religious or non-denominational.

The present research project is the first study to examine "seculars" both quantitatively and qualitatively in a sample that is representative for Switzerland. Special attention is given to the distinction between organised and non-organised "seculars". The project is based on a mixed-methods approach and combines four separate data sets.

The project addresses the following guiding questions: How do "seculars" construct their "secular identities", how are these identities influenced by socialisation, social characteristics, social relations or organisations, and under what conditions do "seculars" become socially or politically active? We use the term "secular" to refer to persons who describe themselves as "non-religious" or "atheist", regardless of whether or not they advocate for their secular interests.

Theoretically, the study does not use a single theory, but rather draws on different theories depending on the sub-topic dealt with. In this sense, for example, secularisation and individualisation theory, identity theories, socialisation theories and mobilisation theories become important for our topic in sections.

This research project is being conducted under the joint direction of Prof. Dr. Jörg Stolz from the Institut de sciences sociales et des religions contemporaines (ISSRC) at the University of Lausanne.


23.-29. August 2015, XXI IAHR World Congress 2015: „Dynamics of Religion. Past and Present“; Universität Erfurt
Carsten Ramsel: Vortrag: Mixed methods research in the Study of Religions

Ramsel, Carsten; Huber, Stefan & Stolz, Jörg: „Säkulare in der Schweiz. Wie verstehen sie sich? Welche Einstellungen haben sie zu religiösen Menschen oder Institutionen?“ In: Walther, Tabitha; Hoffmann, Claudia & Heuser, Andreas (Hrsg.): Erfassen-Deuten-Urteilen. Empirische Zugänge in der Religionsforschung. Theologischer Verlag : Zürich, S. 89—101